Ivana Pokorná

Ivana Pokorná CSR Supervisor, Corporate Social Responsibility

„Within the community in which we operate we focus on two main goals: we help non-profit organisations increase the efficiency of their administrative and infrastructural activities and we support the financial literacy of groups threatened by social exclusion. Professional support gives our employees an opportunity to develop both their technical and soft skills and abilities."

We help non-profit organisations function more effectively

A YEAR together – A STEP forward

This is our expert help flagship programme.

  • In the first phase of the project, our employees offer representatives of non-profit organisations professional training focusing on audit, accounting, taxes, and internal processes under the heading of the KPMG Business Institute.
  • Every year, over 100 non-profit representatives complete one or more of the nine different training programmes.
  • In 2013, we trained a total of 119 non-profit sector representatives in six professional training programmes. Our employees devoted 99 hours of their time to the preparation and leading of educational courses for the non-profit sector.
  • In 2014, we trained a total of 137 non-profit sector representatives in ten professional training programmes and our training programmes were newly also held in Moravia. Our employees devoted 199 hours of their time to the preparation and leading of educational courses for the non-profit sector. (for more information, click here)
  • In 2015, we trained a total of 195 non-profit sector representatives in nine professional training programmes. Our employees devoted 95.25 hours of their time to the preparation and leading of educational courses for the non-profit sector. (for more information, click here)

„As an assistant 16 years ago, I was assigned to an audit engagement in one of a major Czech foundations. Over time, I have become a specialist in the audit and accounting of non-profit organisations and I often share my knowledge with my colleagues. When I got the opportunity to train representatives of the non-profit sector as well, I did not want to miss it. I like helping other people in general and as for the development of the non-profit sector I am even happier to lend a hand as we are helping those who serve a good cause and who will appreciate our technical advice.“

Alena Ozaniaková Alena Ozaniaková, Senior Manager, Audit A regular instructor, leading courses focusing on audits and annual reports for non-profit organisations
  • In the second phase of the project, our employees vote on the non-profit organisation with which we will enter into a year-long partnership, providing them with additional training, professional advice, volunteering, as well as financial support.
  • From the 2015 finalists of the A YEAR together – A STEP forward programme, our employees selected the Nadání a dovednosti (talent and skills) organisation, which aims to improve the job and career opportunities for children from children’s and foster homes.

In 2015, Nadání a dovednosti was offered:

  • consultations on risk and internal process management,
  • human resource management consultations,
  • a financial audit,
  • customer experience management consultations,
  • the opportunity to sell its products at KPMG’s annual Holiday Fair in the Prague office,
  • more than CZK 300 000 in financial support raised in KPMG’s annual Christmas collection,
  • cooperation in our A Dream Come True Christmas campaign.

„When we at Nadání a dovednosti found out that we had been selected to cooperate with KPMG within the A YEAR together – A STEP forward programme, we were delighted, but at that moment we had no idea how immense the support would really turn out to be. 

Thanks to KPMG we were able to develop both our organisation as well as our clients from children’s and foster homes, as we could provide them with a number of courses aimed at developing and improving not only their soft but also their hard skills. The feedback which we received from our clients was very enthusiastic and thankful. Many of our clients thus got a chance to pursue their dreams and to earn a living by doing something they love.

I trust that thanks to our cooperation with KPMG we were able to prepare our clients well for the life they will face after they leave the children’s home or their foster families.

As the organisation’s director and fundraiser in one person I communicate with a lot of companies that want to support us, but I honestly have to say that the CSR programmes of none of them are as sophisticated and comprehensive as KPMG’s.

I would very much like to express my gratitude that KPMG and its employees selected our organisation as their partner in the A YEAR together – A STEP forward programme.”

Linda Hurdová Linda Hurdovádirector Nadání a dovednosti, o. p. s.

Pro bono services

  • We provide pro bono services to several non-profit organisations so that they may achieve a higher level of professionalism and effectiveness.
  • In 2013, we provided a total of 2 026 hours of pro bono work to non-profit organisations.
  • In 2014, we provided a total of 2 369 hours of pro bono work.
  • In 2015, this number rose to 2 651 hours of pro bono work.

Non-profit organisation of the year

  • One of the main goals of our CSR activities is to improve the effectiveness of the work of non-profit organisations.
  • We support this goal also through our partnership in the Non-Profit Organisation of the Year Awards which honour effectively managed non-profit organisations.
  • Our employees participate in the panel of professional jurors.

KPMG Startup Marina

  • We realise how important innovative ideas are and how difficult it is to start up and to successfully develop a new enterprise.
  • We therefore help to develop businesses in the Czech Republic in their initial phase. Within our Start-up Marina project, we support selected start-up enterprises including at least one social business with our professional know-how and help them get their endeavours up and running.

We support development of financial literacy

Our business activities include the provision of financial advice to small and large enterprises.

We therefore decided to provide such help also to groups of citizens threatened by social exclusion.

With our support, the Elpida Senior Centre conducts courses which help senior citizens with their orientation among new financial products and teach them to budget effectively and to detect and avoid unsavoury business practices.

„With the other course participants, we shared the problems we have deciding among the tons of insurance products that we are bombarded with. Thanks to the course I now know what to watch out for so as not to fall for the worst offer, made out to look spectacular.“

A course participant

Responsible Christmas gifts in KPMG

Responsible Christmas gifts

„We decided to follow up on last year and also in 2015 not to send clients traditional Christmas gifts as we used to in the past years. Instead we wanted to come up with something better. So, this year we helped fulfil the professional dreams of youngster from children’s homes.“. For more information, please visit www.splneny-sen.cz.

Roman Maco Roman MacoDirector, Marketing & Communications