About KPMG
Individual chapters
- KPMG in the Czech Republic
- Financial indicators
- Global KPMG International network
KPMG in the Czech Republic
years on the market
professional staff
foreign specialists
In the Czech Republic, KPMG provides services to its clients through four companies:
- KPMG Česká republika, s. r. o. ("KPMG ČR", founded in 1990)
- KPMG Česká republika Audit, s. r. o. ("KPMG Audit", founded in 1993)
- KPMG Advisory, s. r. o. ("KPMG Advisory", founded in 2006)
- KPMG Legal s.r.o., attorneys-at-law ("KPMG Legal", founded in 2010)
Since 2011, KPMG Czech Republic has had the following ownership structure:
Our branches
All KPMG companies in the Czech Republic have their registered seat in Prague, Pobřežní 648/1a. KPMG ČR and KPMG Audit also have offices in Brno, České Budějovice and Ostrava. (for more information, click here)
KPMG offices in Prague
Pobřežní 1a
186 00 Praha 8
Tel.: + 420 222 123 111, + 420 234 112 111
Fax: + 420 222 123 100, + 420 234 112 100
KPMG offices in České Budějovice
Fráni Šrámka 2609
370 04 České Budějovice
Tel.: + 420 385 347 175
Fax: + 420 385 349 995
KPMG offices in Brno
Veveří 3163/111
616 00 Brno
Tel.: + 420 541 421 311
Fax: + 420 541 421 310
KPMG offices in Ostrava
28. října 3117/61
702 00 Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava
Tel.: + 420 596 158 200
Fax: + 420 596 158 201
Financial indicators
Jan Žůrek Managing partner, KPMG Czech Republic
„KPMG is a leading firm in the financial audit and tax advisory sector in the Czech market. It is also one of the largest management advisory companies. KPMG maintains its leading position also due to continuously growing revenues.“
The volume of sales, along with internal policies leading to cost optimisation and efficient processes, is what safeguards the group’s leading position on the audit services market in the Czech Republic and its high ranking position in the tax and advisory services area.
Financial statements for the fiscal year 2015
The financial year of the KPMG firms in the Czech Republic starts on 1 October and ends on 30 September. KPMG ČR, KPMG Audit and KPMG Advisory form a consolidation unit (the "KPMG Group") and feature the following financial data.
In millions of Czech crowns 30/09/15 30/09/14 30/09/13 Fixed assets 75 95 74 Inventory 19 26 10 Long-term receivables 4 5 5 Short-term receivables including accruals 295 280 241 Cash and cash equivalents 241 330 334 Total assets 634 736 664 Equity 121 115 72 Minority equity 83 94 113 Provisions 12 21 31 Long-term liabilities 0 0 0 Short-term liabilities including accruals 418 506 448 Total liabilities 634 736 664 Revenues 1 726 1 648 1 699 Operating profit (loss) 124 120 137 Profit (loss) from ordinary activities 94 108 107
Global KPMG International network
John Veihmeyer Chairman of KPMG International
„Last year, when I was traveling around the firms within KPMG’s global network, meeting the businesses with which we are honoured to cooperate, getting to know not only our people but also regulators and other stakeholders, I was immensely proud of the enthusiasm, determination and dedication to detail and quality that our people put into everything they do.“
- KPMG International is a global network of independent companies operating in 155 countries throughout the world. It is staffed by more than 155 000 professionals with multidisciplinary skills and offers audit and tax services and advisory.
- The independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with the KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. Each member firm of the global KPMG network is referred to and identified as a legally independent and separate entity.
- KPMG International’s headquarters are located in Amsterdam. From the Netherlands, it coordinates activities which support the individual member firms. It ensures that internal rules and standards are the same in all member firms and serve the common brand, thus attempting to contribute to the sustainability of the group as a whole.
- Member firms are independent legal entities having their own legal capacity in quality assurance and management. They can use the KPMG brand name, logo and methods, provided they agree to abide by KPMG’s global values.
- At the same time, all member firms are required to comply with corporate policies and rules comprising quality standards.
- This structure built upon member firms strengthens KPMG International's global strategy, ensures that its values are adhered to and that the standard of services throughout all global markets remains the same.
- Concurrently, this approach allows for the continuous sharing of knowledge and expertise among professionals throughout the global network.
We are number one on the market in terms of size.
We are a favourite employer.
We help local communities.
We operate efficiently.