CSR report

  • When drafting this report, we applied the international sustainable business reporting methodology GRI G4 – Core.
  • In the future, we would like to take advantage of the experience acquired in drafting this report to make our future reports fully in line with the GRI G4.
  • This report was drafted by the CSR department in cooperation with the firm’s management and the People, Performance and Culture, Sustainability Services, Marketing and Communications, Quality and Risk Management, Internal Accounts, Controlling, Markets & Proposals and Knowledge Management departments. The CSR department consists of the Partner in charge of CSR, the CSR supervisor and the CSR assistant and is directly subordinated to the firm’s management.
  • We report on behalf of four independent legal entities for the 2015 calendar year: KPMG Česká republika, s.r.o., KPMG Česká republika Audit s.r.o., KPMG Advisory, s.r.o., and KPMG Legal, s.r.o. for 2015. Some information relates to the 2014/2015 financial year because it is not available for the calendar year.
  • We plan to issue the report on an annual basis and this one is the third in a row drafted in line with the GRI G4 methodology.

Key aspects relating to GRI

Aspect: Economic results Aspect crucial outside of the firm
EC1 – Directly generated economic value
Aspect: Indirect economic impacts Aspect crucial outside of the firm
EC8 – Essential indirect economic impacts
Aspect: Waste Aspect crucial inside as well as outside of the firm
EN23 – Total volume of generated waste and its processing methods
Aspect: Transportation Aspect crucial inside as well as outside of the firm
EN30 – Significant environmental impacts of employee trips
Aspect: Employment Aspect crucial inside the firm
LA1 – Total number of employees and the proportion of new employees
LA2 – Benefits
Aspect: Training and education Aspect crucial inside as well as outside of the firm
LA9 – The average number of hours spent on training per employee
LA10 – Development programmes
LA11 – The percentage of employees going through regular performance reviews
Aspect: Diversity and equal opportunities Aspect crucial inside the firm
LA12 – The proportion of women at individual positions in the firm
Aspect: Local communities Aspect crucial inside as well as outside of the firm
SO1 – The percentage of branches involved into community activities, measuring the impact of these activities, development programmes
Aspect: Anti-corruption mechanisms Aspect crucial inside as well as outside of the firm
SO4 – Communication and training aimed at anti-corruption policies and processes

Standard indicators








For feedback you can contact the CSR Department - csr@kpmg.cz - or:

Ivana Pokorná

Ivana Pokorná CSR Supervisor

Tel: +420 222 123 195
E-mail: ijezkova@kpmg.cz
